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9mm-135 RNFP
  Quantity of 500
  Diameter: 0.356
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9mm- 135 RNFP
9mm- 135 RNFP
Quantity of 500
Diameter: 0.356
UPC: 781100868089
Box Qty: 500

Quantity in Stock:80

Product Code: XC9MM-135RNFP-B0500

X-Treme Bullets are proudly made out of the finest materials available in the United States in order to ensure performance delivered down range with each and every shot.  Our process starts with a lead billet that is extruded into wire. The lead wire is then swaged into a core. The cores are copper plated, then restruck once more. Though not common in the industry, this restrike process produces a bullet that is more uniform, with a more precise diameter and a smoother finish for a better shooting and better looking bullet.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 7 Write a review »

  6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Czechmate 2018 November 18, 2018
Reviewer: Lastcat from Longview, WA United States  
USPSA. Been to a few matches, about 20. Czechmate is new to me since July 2018. I have tried MG 124 JHP, Blue 115, Black 125, MG 115 CMJ, PD 115 JHP, Gallant 125, RMR 115 FMJ, Berry's 115 RN.

Always come back to these (Xtreme 135gr RNFP) as the most accurate in my gun. For Major Load it's 6.6 Silhouette, Fed 200 Primers, misc. brass, 1.155 OAL, 170 pf.

This bullets I can get a ragged hole at 10 yards and 1.5" at 20 yds. These just work for my gun, go figure, especially with all the previous bullets I have tried.

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  2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 38 Super February 5, 2017
Reviewer: Mike H from Las Vegas, NV United States  
My 38 Supers really like this bullet

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  10 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 135 oal 1.12 to 1.16 May 24, 2016
Reviewer: ed fellows from reno, NV United States  
Shot over 180 test loads from maximum to low target speeds without any feeding problems.
HS-6 will match the Federal factory 135gr loading if needed but I will use these in the 840fps area for my practice loads.
Both 1.14 and 1.16" oal worked with my starting loads and my 3.5" liked Red Dot or CFE pistol powder the best.
Here is a picture of one of my 1.14" oal test.  The low fps makes for a very low recoil matching the lighter 115 and 124gr bullets.

[img] http://oi63.tinypic.com/r0dnwi.jpg[/img]

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  3 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Lauren from Dallas December 10, 2014
Reviewer: Lauren from TX United States  
I am almost out of the first 500 rounds, I ordered a week or so ago. I think I had a Happy feeling when MS Monroe was wearing that Red Dress in one of her Movies and stepped on that grate and it blew her dress, up, please keep it quiet until me and my other friends here in Texas get stocked up on these, they are fantastic, Titegroup,W/231, and auto comp are great with these, girls lets keep this between us girls so we can out shoot the guys, before they find out.

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  20 of 20 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Nice bullets November 1, 2014
Reviewer: Anonymous Person  
I bought these because the 147 grain bullets were out of stock so I thought Id try these. I tried w231 and bullseye powder out of my sig sauer p229. I found using 3.9 grains of bulleye gave me an average of 962 fps, low of 926 and high of 984 fps. I also used w231 and tried 3.7, 3.9, and 4.1 grains. They averaged from 930-944 fps, with the smallest spred using 3.7 grains. 3.7 averaged 930 fps with a 24 fps spread. I used Remington once fired brass and Winchester small pistol primers.

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