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38-125 Range Time Performance HP's
  Quantity of 500
  Diameter: 0.357

38- 125 HP
38- 125 HP
Quantity of 500
Diameter: 0.357

UPC: 781100868621
Box Qty: 500

Quantity in Stock:116

Product Code: XC38-125HPCAN-B0500

Hollow Point Concave Base.

X-Treme Bullets are proudly made out of the finest materials available in the United States in order to ensure performance delivered down range with each and every shot. Our process starts with a lead billet that is extruded into wire. The lead wire is then swaged into a core. The cores are copper plated, then restruck once more. Though not common in the industry, this restrike process produces a bullet that is more uniform, with a more precise diameter and a smoother finish for a better shooting and better looking bullet.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 4 Write a review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 .357 bullets on a budget December 18, 2020
Reviewer: Mark from Las Vegas, NV United States  
These bullets are fantastic.  I’ve used other companies plated bullets and by far, these are superior in every measurable way. I chose 25 bullets, weighing each for accuracy. Then I measured them for accuracy with caliber dimension. Out of 25 bullets, all but three weighted 125 grains. The 3 that were off, were off by only .1 grains. Every bullet measured exactly .357.  Beautiful bullets. Highly recommend over other plated bullets.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 good for target shooting. December 3, 2019
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Mount vernon, OH United States  
I tried these bullets as I like trying different bullets. These have a unique shape for revolver bullets. Very much like the 200 gr. H/P bullets that I have shot out of my Colt series 70 .45 for some years, and have been pleased with them. So I bought a box of these(also some of the 158gr. versions) to try. Very happy with them. Great accuracy out of my colt MK 5 trooper 6" barreled revolver. My brother also shot some of them out of his 8" barreled Dan Wesson. He ordered 2000. Ordered on a friday. Received them on monday!!. Also these bullets are as listed target bullets. Very little expansion as stated in the description, but excellent groups.  These compare in design with  match rifle bullets ie: H/P to increase accuracy, not for expansion. I will order more.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Impressed with X-Treme Bullets June 7, 2018
Reviewer: KJN from Concord, CA United States  
I am very impressed with these X-Treme 125 gr .38 Hollow Points. However, the cannelure is too close to the ogive of the bullet and should be place a little farther away from the ogive. But this is not a big deal using a taper crimp. I found no issues caused by this placement of the cannelure.

I've used them as follows:
.38 Special S&W Revolver with 6.6 gr of HS-6, purported to be around 800 FPS. A light load but you can shoot a lot of them with no adverse effects.

.357 Henry Rifle with 8.0 and 8.5 gr of HS-6. These loads produced 1 1/2 inch groups at 50 yards using iron sights from the bench with bags.  I intend on trying these shooting Off-Hand(standing) at the Chicken(40 yards) and Pig(50 yards) steel silhouettes at the next Lever Action Silhouette shoot I attend. I will stay with my much hotter loads using H110 or W296 and jacketed Nosler or Sierra bullets for the Turkey(75 yards) and Ram(100) silhouettes.

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  11 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Nice when on sale March 20, 2016
Reviewer: James G. from New Iberia, LA United States  
I caught these on sale around Christmas and bought a box of 500. I loaded some up with 9.0 grains of Longshot and just tried them out at the range. They made a nice, accurate round with a little snap to them but still had low to moderate recoil. For range work I've been buying mostly Hi-tech coated bullets due to cheaper price, but if you can catch these on sale they are a good choice too. I just wish that X-treme would sell in larger quantities than 500 for greater savings.

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