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308 147gr FMJ Bundle
  Quantity of 1
  Diameter: 0.308

308 147gr FMJ Bundle
308 147gr FMJ Bundle
Quantity of 1
1 30 Cal Ammo Can with 500 Bullets of 308 147gr FMJ

UPC: 781100869505
Box Qty: 1

Quantity in Stock:31

Product Code: XB308FMJ147-30CCB

Quantity of 1 - 30 Cal Ammo Can with 500 Bullets of 308 147gr FMJ

Average Rating: Average Rating: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 5 Write a review »

  0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
3 of 5 Truncated Projectiles May 20, 2024
Reviewer: Joe Jackson from The High Desert  
Ordered back in April of '23, I finally got around to loading up a few M80 plinking rounds for an LRB Arms M14SA Classic ... the test rounds never left the reloading bench.

Due to the slight radius @ the bullet base, a 2.785"(c.o.a.l.) resulted in a miniscule, .150"(+/-) of neck/bullet purchase ... had I foolishly chased the cannelure, bullet jump would have been measured in feet ;-)        

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  4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Very accurate projectiles! June 15, 2022
Reviewer: william greene from WY United States  
I purchased a bunch of these 147gr projectiles from here and one other sight. I load them exclusively for My AR10 with an 18in M118 Barrel.I get an 1.5in jagged hole with 15 rounds at 150 yards.More than accurate enough for me for an AR platform and having only shot about 50 including sighting it in.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Very consistant. January 22, 2022
Reviewer: Taxpayer from Springview, NE United States  
Penetration is great!  Lets go Browning.

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  5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 GREAT FOR REDUCED LOADS July 5, 2021
Reviewer: RICH from WILMINGTON, DE United States  
Decided to try these bullets out for reduced loads in my 308 CZ Varmiter. Initial testing was for IMR3031, H335, 2400 powder at 100 yards.  Min group size was 1"  using 3031 and H335.  Using CCI 300 / 19.0 Gr of 2400/ COL 2.746"  provided groups under 1" with best group of  7/16".
I did not do a weight variance, overall length, or ogive variance check. As always use caution with any load someone posts.

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  1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 Looks like box of fun April 6, 2021
Reviewer: john brooks from wartrace, tn  
they look really good haven't loaded them yet but i will and report back with an update if anyone has any load data for 762x39 using these please leave a review

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